About Me

I decided to start this site so that I might have a place to come and BITCH about the woman that gave birth to my husband. And then I got to thinking about how many woman out there must deal with MIL's just like mine on a daily basis. So if you'd like to add your own little rant, please send it to ohmightymotherinlaw@hotmail.com and I'll be sure to add it to this blog for the world to see!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Know it all MIL

So this is the thing that prompted this blog. Because this woman is so far in my head that she's making me lose sleep!

Oh Mighty Mother In Law has 6 grand kids. All of them boys. And her favorite saying is "My boys only have boys"

But here's the thing. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I WANT A GIRL!

When I was pregnant with my son, all I wanted was to have a girl. Because I only want two kids. Hell, I don't think I could cope with more than two. So having a girl first would have just meant that it didn't matter what came next, I had my girl.

Even back then she'd drill it in to me. My boys ONLY have boys.

I mean, it's not like it's a passing statement. She DRILL'S things in to you if she thinks she is right. She yell's at you. She repeats it. If I was to say "Well, I hope it's a girl" she would say, stop dreaming...IT'S A BOY!

And she was right. It was a boy. Just like she said.

So for the last 4 years, since finding out my son was a boy, I've wondered...is she really right this time?

This time around, everything is so different that I have that tiny bit of hope that it could be a girl. And each pregnancy comes with a 50% chance that it can go either way.

But she wont have it. When I mentioned the other day that we had our first scan coming up, one where you don't even get to find out the sex...she immediately said (with this stupid gay fucked up looked on her face) "It's a boy"

I tried my hardest to stand up to her. But standing up to this woman for me is like trying to prove the existence of life on another planet.

I asked her "What makes you say that?" and she said "It's just a hunch"

Well her HUNCHES just piss me off. Because she is well aware of how I feel about this. There really IS a chance that I could be having a girl and there is no reason what so ever at this point to think I can't be. But she is more than happy to try and kill my dreams before they get a chance to start.

I feel like she does this on purpose. Like hurting me, and squashing my feeling's has become a way of life for her. That she simply can not go a full day without mentioning that it's going to be a boy to me.

Simply because it upsets me.

I hope with all hope that she is wrong. But I fear with all the fear in my heart that she is right.


  1. I hope it's a girl!!!! *fingers crossed* :) When will you find out? Are you going to find out?

  2. My cousin married a man with 5 brothers. All 5 brothers had sons. And my cousin's first child was a boy too. When she was pregnant the second time she had a very similar time of it, being taunted constantly about having more boys.

    She had a girl.

    We always say my cousin WILLED her into existence just to piss off her in-laws.

    I hope you have the same ending. :-)

  3. Hear! Hear! Totally agree with Irishembi ;)

  4. OMG already this woman makes me wanna well not talk or yell cos i know people like this and they dont hear what is said or dont care, what i want to do to the people i know or knew like this is much much worse lol foot trip or something oh i dont know ... grrr

    anyways... girl it is... fuck the woman, she isnt god, doesnt choose who gets what. Genetics dont have any factors in the gender of children, and who gets what... its the fastest swimmers vs strongest vs egg liking that swimmer etc etc etc

    So yeah crossing all fingers and toes you get your girl ... mwahahahaha
